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Movie Night: Add Pillows and Blankets for a Cozy and Comfortable Experience

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Movie Night: Add Pillows and Blankets for a Cozy and Comfortable Experience
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A Reel Cinema @ Home’s goal is to make our home theater experience more luxurious than any retail theater can offer. An immersive movie night experience includes being comfortable in your own space. A good way to add a luxurious and comfortable touch to movie night is to add pillows and blankets.

After a good meal and classic theater snacks, we nestle in our seats with our feet up, our necks firmly supported, and our bodies covered in soft, fleece blankets. It’s a psychological thing because we cover up in blankets on days when the weather is -47 degrees and on days when the weather is 100+ degrees. The blankets and pillows give us a feeling of comfort and security.

Because we lounge without care and eat while wrapped up in our pillows and blankets, wash ability was the deciding factor for our purchases. We found affordable and easy to wash travel size pillows. The pillows are 14 x 20 inches and machine washable & dryable for easy maintenance.

We also purchased zippered pillow protectors. Zippered pillow protectors fully encase the main pillow keeping the main pillows cleaner between washings. The protector is made of a breathable, ultra-soft microfiber that also is machine washable and dryable.

On top of the pillow protector, we add fun pillow cases in a variety of colors and patterns. Our pillowcase colors and patterns depend on the time of year. All the cases are easily washable. We launder and switch out our pillowcases and blankets after each binge session.

You do not get a freshly laundered pillow each time you sit down in retail theaters. Retail movie reviewers have complained about the reused pillows and blankets that are simply re-folded and put back on the chairs at retail theaters. We know the pillows and blankets are clean because we washed, dried, and folded them ourselves. In your own home theater, you don’t receive a blanket that appears someone blew their nose on it before you – NASTY.

We have also purchased several plush blankets that match our home theater décor. We have various patterns, solid colors, and themes that enhances our cinema décor. We have bins of various themed blankets and pillow covers such as Avengers, Disney, Green Bay Packers, Star Wars, Star Trek, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day, etc. We switch them out according to the holiday or movie theme.

After a stressful day of work, we take warm showers. We put our hair up and put on comfortable pajamas. While watching movie trailers, we dine-in on a homemade, hardy meal. Next, we enjoy our home theater snacks or dessert.

With full bellies, we recline in our seats and start the movie. We are relaxed and calm. We have peace in our home and no obligations for the rest of the day. A fantastic audio and visual quality immerses us in the movie. Our pillow firmly supports our necks and our blankets provide us with the ultimate comfort. What else do we need at that moment? Nothing!

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