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We are happy you want to know more about us. Please select Meet Lillian and Mercedes under the About Us section to learn more about us individually and Our Home Cinema Journey.

If this is your first time visiting A Reel Cinema @ Home, Welcome! {{{{Insert Big Hug Here}}}} We are happy you found our website. Welcome to our modern mouse home cinema. We are dedicated to sharing our love of all things movies, television series, sport events, and concerts with you. Our DIY home theater was not custom built but instead a simple room conversion. Our beer pockets with champagne dream cinema was created on a budget.


All comments on the AReelCinema@Home’s YouTube Channel, AReelCinema@Home’s website, and AReelCinema@Home’s social media websites are simply our opinion. You do not have to agree with our opinion of watching movies at home, recipe selections, or movie reviews. As the old saying goes “Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one.”

Feel free to disagree with us and others in the comment sections. Be respectful and intelligent when sharing your passionate comments about all things movies-at-home related.

Hate filled, disrespectful, racist attacks will not be tolerated on the AReelCinema@Home’s YouTube Channel, AReelCinema@Home’s website, or AReelCinema@Home’s social media pages. All comments will be moderated before posting. Please note the block finger is strong and extremely active.