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Kevin Hart: Zero Fucks Given Review

15 Dec Reviewed By A Reel Cinema At Home | Comments Off on Kevin Hart: Zero Fucks Given Review
Kevin Hart: Zero Fucks Given Review
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Kevin Hart performing a stand-up show in the middle of his living room is just what the world needs in December 2020. We currently live in the Divided States of America. Kevin’s performance created much needed laughter after watching news reports of Diaper Don’s political coup d’état attempts on the news. Laughter is the best medicine against the stupidity of 45. We welcomed a heavy dose of Kevin’s raw comedic talent to take our minds off the GOP’s dumb shit of the day.

Kevin Hart is a living comedic legend and we are huge fans. We are proud of his grind. Kevin’s years of hard work in stand-up, films, and production (don’t forget about Hartbeat Productions) is yielding huge, financial rewards. We respect his hustle so much. We don’t know Kevin personally but we are proud of him like a cousin. We eagerly anticipated Kevin’s Netflix stand-up comedy special “Zero F**ks Given” after reading all the buzz on Twitter.

We always enjoy watching laugh-out-loud comedy films in our humble home theater. We are social distancing at home because of “The Vid-19” so we made a night of watching this special. We knew we were in for a comedic treat based on the trailer. We happily sat down for takeout dinner and a stand-up show.

Kevin Hart: Zero Fucks Given | Official Trailer | Netflix Standup Comedy Special 2020

We all know Kevin has money but DAMN his house is gorgeous. Kevin started the show interacting with his entire family – just chilling in the house. What we appreciated the most is Kevin didn’t get dressed up to do a show at home. We also hang out around the house in our pajamas so that moment was very relatable to us. Before you get jazzy and say “But your pajamas are not tailored like Kevin’s pajamas!” Slow your roll. Mercedes is a fashion designer by trade. We stay suited and booted in comfortable pajamas custom tailored by Mercedes. Anyhoo! That’s where Kevin and our similarities end. We have beer pockets and champagne dreams. Kevin has trust fund, leaving a legacy for his kids, grand kids, and great-great grand kids money.

Kevin leaves his family behind then takes a leisurely stroll “downstairs.” Now mind you Kevin’s “downstairs” is not like yours or mine downstairs. Kevin rolled “downstairs” in what I assume were silk pajamas to deliver 69 minutes of sidesplitting comedy in his living room. Let’s be clear, Kevin lives in a beautiful mansion. No hate – we love that shit! Kevin has a lot of haters which we don’t understand. We admire Kevin’s attitude towards his haters – graciousness. Kevin is clearly taking a cue from the beehive. “Always stay gracious best revenge is your paper!” We can tell by Kevin’s “downstairs” he is gracious than a motherfucker.

Kevin’s foyer is decorated with beautiful, canvas portraits of the greatest comedic legends to ever grace ANY comedy stage. Those portraits set the mood for what we knew would be a great comedic performance. In the background of his living room were large, black and white portraits of his previous comedy specials. The legends’ portraits and Kevin’s previous specials portraits were symbolic and touching. With the comedic legends like Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Bernie Mac, and Red Foxx figuratively watching over him, a good time was about to be had. Kevin stepped into what the Twitter-verse is calling his living room. Well damn, that’s a big ass living room. Well done Kevin!

We immediately questioned, “Who were the people sitting in the audience and why didn’t we get an invite to the show?” We are not huge fans of the “The Vid-19” but we would happily attend. Kevin should invite us to attend next time.

Like everyone else in the world, Coronavirus aka “The Vid” is front and center in Kevin’s life and in his monologue. Kevin offers fans a hilarious, no holds barred, honest stand-up routine about his life in 2020. Kevin has no filter on who he talks about and what he says. Zero Fucks are really given. He goes in HARD on everyone with funny stories of life happening to him. Kevin admitted he didn’t run his jokes about his ex-wife across her and they would probably come with a price tag. Kevin goes in on his current wife, his ex-wife, and his kids extremely hard in a funny and relatable way. “The Vid-19” has everyone stuck in the house so what else does he talk about. “His family is all he has right now.”

There were even a few jaw dropping moments when we literally paused the show. We asked ourselves, “Did he really just say that shit? Yep, he did!” We lost our shit laughing when Kevin said he didn’t want to get cancelled. In 2020, the Twitter cancel culture is very strong, so we related to that moment.

Laughing extremely hard normally wouldn’t be a problem for us. We caught “The Vid” in March 2020.

“Newsflash the Vid-19 was in our systems. Hashtag Save Kevin Hart!”

Kevin Hart – Netflix Zero Fucks Given

We were sick as dogs. We didn’t have the light version Kevin spoke of during his standup. I had pneumonia in both lungs (double pneumonia) diagnosed by the emergency room. You can read about that here. I still have lung damage as a result called atelectasis. Atelectasis is a partial collapse of lobes in the lungs. It occurs when tiny air sacs within the lungs become deflated. We still have trouble breathing nine months later. We are what the news calls “long haulers.” Laughing hard is extremely painful. Kevin’s comedy was worth the lung pain.

Kevin Hart is a great storyteller. We can relate to his family situations. We loved his authentic stories based on his life experiences. He was raw and honest when addressing his cheating scandal. During that moment, we laughed our asses off. Kevin said,

“All my bitches left after the sex tape. Every one of them! Where you going, Lorraine? Gladys? Pearl? “Where you going? These are older names because I had older bitches at the time.”

Kevin Hart – Netflix Zero Fucks Given

We laughed so hard! We paused the show. With the name of Lillian, I also have one of those “old hoe names.”

Another extremely funny moment was Kevin telling a story about how his kid’s school doesn’t respect his level of celebrity. His kid’s teachers asked Kevin to volunteer as a “greeter” at the upcoming school fair. Kevin felt this was disrespectful to his level of celebrity.

Kevin Hart Loves Wal-Mart Greeters | Zero Fucks Given

In another funny and honest moment during the show Kevin said,

“Ladies, you don’t know how to not give a fuck. That’s your problem. If you guys could match a mans not give a fuck energy, oh my God the world would be a better place.

It would be a better place but you don’t know how not to give a fuck. Women are always searching for a fuck.”

Kevin Hart – Netflix Zero Fucks Given

D-E-A-D laughing. That’s some real talk shit. As women, we can be emotional and all up in our feelings on some issues. As we have gotten older, we have stopped caring so much. We are well on our way to zero fucks given attitudes. If you have read more than one article on this website, you would know this to be true. We say whatever we decide to type at the moment with no apologies.

Another very unexpected but honest moment occurred when Kevin bluntly told the world he is only giving his wife good dick once a month – on the 8th. “The 8th dick” he calls it.

“I don’t believe you can be successful and have good dick. You have to pick one. You want this lifestyle or good dick? I’m not giving you both. Pick one!

Kevin Hart – Netflix Zero Fucks Given

We paused the show over-and-over during this segment because we were laughing so hard. Again, zero fucks given. Kevin had no problem telling everyone “His wife tried to get some more of “The 8th day good dick on the 9th” but he wasn’t having it. Hilarious and relatable. Many women would settle for some half ass 8th dick right about now.

Kevin Hart Saves Good Sex For Date Night | Zero Fucks Given | Netflix Is A Joke

Mercedes really appreciated Kevin’s BOP segment. We love BOP aka brick oven pizza. California Pizza Kitchen has the best BOP. While we don’t have a brick oven, we make some tasty ass, from scratch pizzas in our kitchen oven. We also pile several different types of cheeses on our homemade pizza. When Kevin said,

“Seven different cheeses! I’m lactose intolerant! I’m not eating all that fucking cheese. Everybody know you don’t put that much cheese on nothing but macaroni!”

Kevin Hart – Zero Fucks Given

We choked – literally. Black folks knew exactly what the fuck Kevin was talking about. Kevin owes me some replacement Lemon Pepper Wings from Wing Stop because of that joke! The shit was so funny I spit out my food. The long-term affects of “The Vid-19” don’t allow me to breathe, eat, and laugh at the same time. I had to stop doing one of those things so I could live past the joke. The food had to go.

Overall, Kevin Hart’s new stand up special “Zero Fucks Given!” is funny as hell and another comedic masterpiece added to his legacy. Every Kevin Hart comedy special reminds us why he is the best comedian in the game today. The only thing we didn’t like about the stand-up show is we didn’t get an invite to the show at Kevin’s house. We wanted to taste some of the BOP! BOP! BOP! BOP! BOP!

We encourage you all to #stayathome and watch Netflix “Zero Fucks Given.” When a comedian makes us pee a little we know we had a good time. We highly recommend this show.

Like many of you we are cutting our home theater entertainment budget to zero. We work with what we already have for quarantine #stayathome entertainment. We are living our best lives within our “Beer Pocket and Champagne Dreams” budget. Our Netflix subscription is pre-paid until June 2021 so we take full advantage of our current Netflix subscription. “Zero Fucks Given” was a fun family night of dinner and a stand-up show right in our home theater. Everyone in our house is grown-grown so it works for us.

Besides we are not trying to fuck around outside when “The Vid” is waiting on us. We already had “The Vid-19” in March 2020 and we are not trying to catch the shit again. Kevin said it best, “I have no interest in things outside this house. There are people out there. I don’t like people!”

Why Kevin Hart Hates Snitches | Zero Fucks Given | Netflix Is A Joke
Movie Details

Release Date: November 17, 2020

Starring: Kevin Hart

Genres: Comedy, Stand-up Comedy

Runtime: 69 Minutes


Additional Clip
Kevin Hart Doesn’t Give A Fuck About Cutting You In Line | Zero Fucks Given
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